ReMED – Towards Climate Resilient Mediterranean Cities
ReMED methodology, tools and decision support framework will be implemented in a user-friendly open source web-tool, the ReMED Platform, which will support users in the whole decision-making process for the identification of the best package of measures (scenario) to improve the resilience and adaptation of Mediterranean buildings and neighbourhoods. The two developed online tools, RBTool MED – Resilient Buildings Tool and RNTool MED – Resilient Neighbourhoods Tool, will offer comprehensive support throughout the entire cycle of an adaptation measure, from the initial diagnosis to the monitoring of results. RBTool will be the first ever climate risk assessment tool at building scale.
ReMED will support a Multi-Level Governance (MLG) in climate adaptation, as recommended by the UN COP26.
ReMED is a collaborative effort of 9 European organizations from 5 countries, coordinated by the University of Malta (Malta) and partners from Ministry for Gozo (Malta), iiSBE Italia R&D (Italy), Municipality of Genova (Italy), NOA (Greece), Municipality of Fyli (Greece), Municipality of Crikvenica (Croatia), CIEDES Foundation (Spain), Municipality of Malaga (Spain).
The project is part of the Interreg Euro-Med programme (Euro-MED0200907), co-funded by the European Union and national authorities.
Project duration: 01 January 2024 to 31 September 2026
Budget FYLI: € 225,920.00
Call (part) identifier: Interreg EuroMED 2021-2027 – 2nd Thematic call for proposals – Appel à projets Thématique
Programme Priority: 2 – Greener MED
Specific objectives: RSO2.4 – Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches
Keywords: Resilience, Climate risk, Climate adaptation measures Urban areas, Building,
Project website: https://remed.interreg-euro-med.eu/